Mission » A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life


People often wonder what Sisters do throughout their day. In fact, sometimes, the young think we spend all our free time in chapel! Salesian Sisters give their lives for the young, and young people spend most of the day in school…and so do we! Most of our Sisters are teachers, or administrators at our schools. Others work at our retreat house, or with the University students. Still others offer service to the community by taking care of practical needs at home.
Each community meets at the start of the school year to draw up a schedule that will allow every Sister time to work, pray, and play. We start our day very early with the Lord. In fact, the average schedule might look something like this:
5:00 am - Wake up  
5:30 am - Meditation, Prayer, Mass Included in our Morning Prayers are the Angelus, a Prayer of Entrustment to Our Lady, and Lauds.
7:00 am - Breakfast and Apostolate Apostolates are often in a school or parish, with some Sisters also serving in the convent.
12:00 pm - Angelus, Visit to the Chapel, and Lunch During the day we stay connected to Jesus and Mary through a personal visit to the chapel. We usually have lunch with our students.
3:00 pm - After-School Activities We typically attend the sports games and other after-school activities in which our students are involved.
5:00 pm - Prayer Included in our Evening Prayers are the Rosary, Spiritual Reading, Vespers and an Examination of Conscience.
6:00 pm - Dinner Following the evening meal we have a "Goodnight" thought from our Superior.
7:00 pm - Recreation Games and time for fun with our community end our day. Some Sisters may also correct homework or finish planning for the apostolate after recreation.
9:30 pm - Bedtime